Data Acquisition > Slow Scan Acquisition from Analog SEMs > The Advanced Acquisition Button

The Advanced Acquisition Button

The Advanced Acquisition Button starts acquisition using PCI/CFR's Advanced Acquisition feature. This feature lets you select either 8 or 12 bit acquisition, to acquire from two channels simultaneously, to perform frame averaging or adding and to mix images from two channels. When you press the advanced acquisition button, the advanced acquisition dialog, which is discussed in The Acquire Advanced Command, will appear. This dialog is used to configure the advanced acquisition features. If you always use the same settings for advanced acquisition, you may want to deselect the checkbox at the top of the dialog. This will cause the dialog not to open each time you press the advanced acquisition button and will start acquisition immediately using the previously selected settings. To display the dialog after this setting has been turned off, use the Acquire Advanced menu command.

If your advanced acquisition settings involve frame averaging or adding, the Advanced Acquisition button will change into a Clear button when acquisition begins. Pressing the Clear button clears the images into which you are averaging or adding and restarts acquisition.
